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Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Brian Shore

Seek and Ye Shall Find

It’s a NEW YEAR! We survived another trip around the sun! I hope we more than survived. I hope that each one of you THRIVED! If you didn’t perhaps a few changes could help us all experience growth in 2025.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to

harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

These verses are filled with encouragement and HOPE. These promises were given to Israel during a dark time for them as a nation, a time of scattering. Previously, God has spoken to them to bloom wherever they’re planted, wherever they’re scattered. He promises to regather them from the nations, back to Jerusalem.

The verses apply to us as well, as we are God’s adopted children. Adopted into His Family by the sacrifice of Jesus our Messiah. We also can find that we are scattered or have drifted away from Jerusalem (church, faith , intimacy with God, etc.) simply by the

busyness and/or the circumstances of LIFE. God wants us to have an intimate relationship with HIM and so HE reminds us that He has plans for us. We matter to Him. He plans for us to prosper. He simply asks that we call on Him. In doing so we express our need for Him and acknowledge that He is the source of blessing in our lives. The Word of God states repeatedly that ANYONE WHO SEEKS HIM, WILL FIND HIM.

OK preacher, I’m in, but how do I do that? Try doing what I do. Set aside 15 minutes a day (or more if you like) and spend time with God.


During this time S- read Scripture. I’ll be presenting you with several reading plans as we move through the year. We can read together. O-Observe, as you read, what the Scripture is saying. A-Apply the Scripture to your life, not someone else’s life. Yes I know that they need it but not any more that you do! P- Pray that God will speak to you as you read the Scripture and Apply your Observations to your life.

Trust me when I say that this simple discipline will radically transform your life.

I’m Hoping that YOU find HIM,

Pastor Brian

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