Online Giving
Bill Pay

Donating to OBC using your
bank's automatic BILL PAY
Technically, your pledge donations to OBC aren't bills, but it is still possible to set it up through your bank's bill pay. You can do a one-time or recurring donation to OBC.
Guidelines for setting up:
1. Follow directions on your bank's website to set up a new bill or payee
2. Choose to pay a company rather than a person (if given a choice)
3. Where it requests "company name" enter:
Ogunquit Baptist Church
4. For the "company address" enter:
Attn: Financial Secretary
PO Box 874
Ogunquit, ME 03907-3814
5. For "company phone number" enter:
6. For "account number" enter either:
Envelope #_____ (your envelope number)
Your first initial and your last name (ex: HWynne)
7. After setting up OBC as a biller, it is added to your list and you can select it at any time and enter a payment amount and payment date. There is a chance for you to put a memo with it.
8. You will also have the option of setting up automatic or recurring payments (this can add more convenience, but it is not recommended if there is a risk of overdrawing from your account).
Bill pay is usually a free service of your checking account, but some banks may charge a monthly fee for this service; this fee may sometimes be waved.
The church is not charged any fees for receiving a donation through your bank's bill pay service, so what you donate is what would appear on your annual giving statement.