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Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Brian Shore

Respond to God Joyfully

Prepare to Respond to God Joyfully! This issue of the Beacon arrives at the

very beginning of the Advent Christmas season. Advent means arrival (I’m

sure you knew that) and the season of Advent is a time dedicated to

remembering the arrival of Jesus in His Incarnation and to looking forward to

His, hopefully, soon return. Advent is radically Jesus centered. He came. He

served. He suffered. He redeemed. He resurrected. He’s coming again!

What is our role in this Advent season? How do we respond to this reminder

of the Good News of the Christ’s arrival? WE PREPARE. Most great events

require preparation. Our role in Advent is to prepare our hearts to joyfully

receive the arrival of Jesus. The busyness of this season can overwhelm us,

or creep in and rob our joy. Religious familiarity of the season can dull our

joy as well.

RESIST! I would like to suggest that we be purposeful, not passive.

Intentional, not accidental. Let’s prepare to respond to JESUS, joyfully, this

Advent season. Let’s raise our expectations and expect to encounter HIM in

His fullness. As we gather around our tables let’s make sure that those who

gather with us are reminded of “The Reason for the Season”. Prepare to

Respond to God Joyfully!

Pastor Brian

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